Download FM WhatsApp (FMWhatsApp) v11.70.4 - Fouad WhatsApp for Android. Get hold of FM WhatsApp latest version with all its new features.
What’s FM Whatsapp (FMWhatsApp) APK?
FM Whatsapp is a modified and enhanced version of the original Whatsapp. Though the original contains no bugs, still it lacks some of the features and sometimes it becomes irritating to use the app. FM Whatsapp is a version that offers useful features that are not present in the original app. It doesn’t even matter whether we are using an original app or a modified one, We always look for the best app which provides us with the best features.
There are tons of Whatsapp MOD APKs available on the internet, some of them are fake or simply a copy of the original app which doesn’t even have any new features added.
So, we decided to collect such Whatsapp MODs from different trusted sources and make them easily available for you. For today’s article, we have discussed some features of FMWhatsapp with its direct download link. Try FMWhatsapp APK's latest version and enjoy all those awesome features.
Advantages of Fouad WhatsApp regarding WhatsApp Messenger
Although WhatsApp is one of the most installed applications on smartphones all over the world, this long list of the improvements implemented by FM WhatsApp - Fouad WhatsApp shows us that the app owned by Facebook is far from perfect. For such reason, this MOD includes all the following features, functions, and modifications:
- Includes all sorts of downloadable themes to customize the interface of the messaging application.
- Increases the length of the status to 250 characters.
- Different packs of emojis to choose from.
- Allows us to easily use two WhatsApp accounts on the same device.
- Allows us to hide notifications that may be bothersome for the user.
- File transfers of all sorts of up to 50 MB.
- An increase of the limit to send videos up to 1 GB.
- Conversations can be protected with a password, each one with their own protection.
- Possibility to hide our connection status from our contacts.
- Includes a widget to simplify certain privacy options.