Top 2 iPhone WhatsApp Mods like GBWhatsApp

Top 2 iPhone WhatsApp Mods like GBWhatsApp

Top 2 WhatsApp Mods for iPhone like GBWhatsApp

Android is a very open-source system and the limit to apps developers can build knows no bound. With WhatsApp being the most used Social media app, there have been many developers coming up with Mods. The Mods offer more functions and allow users to have more than one WhatsApp account on the same phone. GBWhatsApp(Unfortunately the developers are not going to provide any further updates) was the most popular Mod for WhatsApp available only for Android users. But what about iPhone users? Is there a GBWhatsApp lookalike for iOS? Yes! From this page, discover top 2 WhatsApp Mods for iPhone like GBWhatsApp.

What is a WhatsApp Mod?

WhatsApp Mods are simply modified versions of the official WhatsApp app. These Mods usually offer users the possibility to tweak further the look and feel, as well as comes with more unblocked features. Common features which can be found on popular WhatsApp Mods for iPhones include;
  1. Hide the blue double check that indicates that you've read the messages.
  2. Hide your online and last seen status.
  3. Customize the interface.
  4. Add a larger profile picture without having to edit it.
  5. Send an unlimited number of multimedia files.
  6. Record audio by tapping the microphone button without needing to press it whilst you speak.
  7. Block the application with Touch ID or with a lock code.
  8. Share music from the device.

Top 2 WhatsApp Mods for iPhone like GBWhatsApp

1. WhastApp++


WhatsApp++ is one of the most popular Modded WhatsApp version for iOS users. If you are using an iPhone and have been wondering if it is possible to have a modified version of WhatsApp just like GBWhatsApp on Android, then WhatsApp++ is what you need. The app can be installed without any Jailbreaking, but you will need to uninstall the official version in order to install it.

You can either download the WhatsApp++ IPA file and install on your iDevice from your Computer using 3utools or Cydia impactor or better still download and install using TweakBox.

2. WhatsApp Watusi

WhatsApp Watusi

WhatsApp Watusi is another good modded WhatsApp app for iOS devices with more advanced features than the official WhatsApp App. It comes with some unlocked restrictions. Installing Watusi can be done using Cydia impactor or directly with TweakBox or AppValley.

Installing IPA file with Cydia impactor

  • Download the WhatsApp Watusi IPA  or WhasApp++ IPA file onto your computer.
  • Next, download Cydia Impactor from here.
  • Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable.
  • Open Cydia Impactor.
  • Drag and drop the IPA file you downloaded  onto Cydia Impactor
  • Cydia Impactor will ask for your Apple ID and password. Enter and wait for Cydia Impactor to verify the app and install it.
  • After the app is installed, go to Settings=> General =>Profiles . Alternatively, go to Device Management / Profiles & Device Management. Find the profile with your Apple ID and open it.
  • Tap on the Trust button.
  • Now open the app and enjoy it.