Download AppCake for iPhone from here and use it to download tones of modded or cracked iPhone apps for free. AppCake is an application available for iOS devices that allows you to install and try cracked apps free of charge before purchasing them. AppCake 7 can be installed on both jailbroken and non-jailbroken iOS 13. And once installed, you can download unsigned, fake signed and cracked IPA and install them directly on your iDevice.
AppCake has been around for long now and it is one of the most popular cracked App Store for iPhone users. This Apple App Store alternative comes with a pretty similar interface as the latter, making it easier for you to understand and use. AppCake works on iOS 9 - 10, iOS 11, iOS 12, and iOS 13and requires AppSync Unified tweak(repo link).
AppCake features
- Has the most popular iPhone paid apps which you can download for free
- Intuitive use.
- Installation of apps is simple on devices with jailbreak and via OTA.
- Apps of larger sizes can be downloaded using torrent.
- The user interface built by the officials of AppCake is very friendly and loving and you are allowed to change background colours, themes and more.
- You can search the apps with the category name, and all related apps with that category will be visible.
- Once you've found your desired app, you can click on the descriptions to give you all the information you need.
- Product reviews are also readily available and you can view how many people have actually downloaded the app.
- You can see what platform it's compatible with, which assists in ensuring you get good apps and know what you're downloading beforehand.
AppCake screenshots
How to install AppCake
AppCake is the most advanced iOS Cracked Apps Installer. It can install cracked iOS apps; install DEB files; download magnet & .torrent files. non-jailbroken iDevices can make use of iPASTORE if they want AppCake.
Below are the steps to follow if you want to install AppCake on your iDevice using the AppCake Cydia repo;
- Open Cydia from your iDevice and go to the source tab then go to the "Edit" option and choose "Add".
- Copy and add the AppCake repo source and tab on "Add Source"
- You will then get some privacy warning asking if you really want to add the AppCake source. Tap on "Add Anyway" and proceed.
- You should now see the new added AppCake source.
- Tap on the AppCake source and choose and install the packages for your iDevice.
- Complete the installation and restart your device.
And if your device isn't jailbroken, you can install AppCake from Safari.
Download AppCake IPA file
You can also download the AppCake IPA file from below and install it. A good way of installing signed IPA files on your iDevice directly is by using App Installer.